Which managerial competencies to develop? Top 10 for 2023
Hr | 5 min
HR has a lot of work ahead in 2023+. Pandemic, war, inflation and a scarcity market all require the strengthening of new and very diverse competencies. Developing them in managers has not been as important for a long time as it is today. So which skills will be key in 2023+? We have compiled a list of the 10 most important managerial competencies.
At ICAN Research, we examined what skills managers are currently gaining in importance. Analysis of the results shows that both hard and soft competencies are in play. This proves that effective leadership should be looked at holistically, with neither neglecting one nor the other.
What leadership competencies are most needed and worth developing now? This was the question we asked HR heads in our recent survey. Based on the answers we received, we compiled a list of 10 key competencies that every leader should possess, regardless of the level of the organization. Mastering the following skills will certainly help leaders (and their organizations) overcome newer and more complex challenges.
Here is the full list of the 10 competencies of a leader with a detailed explanation of what they consist of.
10 leadership competencies for 2023
Mental resilience
The number of difficult situations faced by managers has increased dramatically. Stripped supply chains, shortages of raw materials, workers, etc. These problems are generating much higher levels of stress today than before the pandemic. Being resilient, including dealing with the pressures of constant change, will be a key skill in the coming times, according to those surveyed. Added to this is the ability to adapt to difficult situations and to know methods and techniques to find oneself in a crisis and focus attention on the most important directions.
Innovation and a broad perspective
Knowledge of trends, ideas and cultures are essential in creating solutions, as well as in analyzing and understanding opportunities and threats, according to the respondents. It's not about deep knowledge, but about knowledge that will be useful for business. Access to knowledge is widespread, so the challenge turns out to be fishing out the most important ideas from the ocean of information, i.e. those that will determine the competitive advantages of the organization.
Analytical thinking and business intelligence
Managers are overwhelmed by the mass of information. Access to knowledge at a certain level is no longer a competence asset, so the role of analytical skills and data-based decision-making is growing. And this requires the ability to read and interpret them correctly.
Managerial courage
This is a competency that some respondents have begun to pay more and more attention to. It covers 3 areas:
- Making decisions with incomplete data in a changing environment has become standard and requires courage not only to make a choice, but also to take responsibility and bear the possible consequences.
- Managerial courage also means that one speaks up about difficult things. For example, we reject someone's project idea because it has no chance of success, or we give negative feedback or communicate changes in the team/organization.
- After all, courage is the willingness to admit one's weaknesses and mistakes. Courage is admitting what is difficult for me, what I don't know how to do, what I can't do and what I struggle with. It builds a leader's credibility. It creates an opportunity to enjoy the respect of subordinates, who unerringly recognize the mistakes and weaknesses of their bosses. It also provides space for reflection, which is necessary," said one survey participant.
Coalition building
This is another important competency of a manager. A leader should be able to exert influence, which he can do by building alliances. It is important to define in advance with whom one should form coalitions and relationships in order to exert influence.
Strategic management
The approach to long-term management is changing. Now it is not about developing a ready-made pattern of action, but more about setting a direction. The path to get there may look different, because the business environment is very volatile, so the ability to create scenarios in developing new strategies and building business models is gaining importance. There is also a shift away from long-term strategies to medium-term strategies.
Seeking feedback
Until now, HR has focused on making sure that leaders know how to construct and give feedback (this is the focus of most training). Now the reverse issue has been added - the manager's ability to receive feedback.
For managers and employees, this is an advanced trend. Over the past two years, it has been the area in which HR has most often conducted training and webinars. According to those surveyed, it means social, emotional, professional and financial development, as well as physical health
Ability to adapt quickly
Learning and unlearning. It is based on the idea of agile mind, creative adaptive thinking and flexible use of knowledge and own skills.
Technological agility and digital security
Openness to the use of digitization, writing automation into processes, consciously eliminating manual labor.
Managers and leaders should develop hard skills related to data analytics and new technologies, as well as soft skills, including the ability to build mental toughness and create relationships and coalitions within the company. In a changing business environment, flexibility and the ability to think "outside the box" are also crucial.
About the study
The study was carried out on the basis of 20 expert interviews and 200 quantitative interviews conducted within the framework of the publication: Trends in Managerial Education 2022+.
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