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Dedicated training for large, medium and small companies

We will develop a path to success for your organization and its employees.

They trusted us

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Cloudware KIR EFL Salesforce Medicover Zywiec Group CIMA PGF PGF PGF PGF PGF PGF PGF

ICAN Institute interview
Dr. Witold Jankowski President of ICAN in conversation with Michal Kabath HR Director of Selena Group. The entire interview is available on ICAN blog

Perfectly tailored to the company's needs custom training courses

Your company is facing a specific challenge, but no training on the market meets your expectations completely? You don't want to spend time and money on something that will not bring satisfactory results?

You're right - when it comes to business development, it's not worth compromising. That's why at ICAN Institute, we will create a development program for your organization tailored to to its market situation, strategic goals and employee needs - regardless of size and industry and industry.

What areas will we support you in?

We implement training programs in each of the key areas of effective business development. Especially valued by our clients are solutions in the field of:


We'll help you incorporate elements of corporate social responsibility into your organization and learn how to run your business to combat current social and environmental issues.

Stay resilient in the face of intense economic change and take action for sustainability!

  • Creating a comprehensive sustainable development policy
  • Responding to trends affecting the industry and business
  • Building a strategy with the main goal of making a positive impact on society and the environment
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Diversity & Inclusion

We will support you in creating an inclusive organization that derives business advantage from diversity. You will receive reliable methods for managing diverse teams.

  • Communication in teams consisting of representatives of different generations and cultures
  • Creating an inclusive, supportive work environment in which everyone has optimal conditions for effectiveness
  • Working with neuroatypical people: understanding needs, providing adequate space
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We will identify the source of your company's competitive advantage and work with you to develop an organization-wide strategy that will help you become an industry leader.

  • Create and implement a new mission, vision, values, strategy
  • Redefining the business model and value proposition
  • Definition and implementation of strategies and processes for rapidly scaling businesses
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Culture and organizational well-being

We will help you create a culture that supports the company's goals. We'll show you how to nurture your employees to keep them motivated and engaged regardless of their work model.

  • Transforming and building competitive advantage through organizational culture
  • Building a culture of well-being based on inclusivity, diversity and a sense of belonging
  • Improve efficiency through new work habits in hybrid/remote working model
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Leadership and personal development of the leader

We will equip your leaders with the latest scientifically proven management methods. We will develop sustainable good habits that translate into high productivity.

  • Leader development based on modern leadership models: transformational leadership, caring leadership
  • Neuroleadership, or the use of brain knowledge in management
  • Advanced diagnostics, coaching and mentoring for senior executives
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Competing in an uncertain environment

You will learn how to respond to changes in your business environment and ensure that your employees feel secure in spite of the changes, allowing them to remain highly effective under all conditions.

  • Generate innovative strategic initiatives based on creative methods (Kill the Company)
  • Implementing change - organizational and psychological dimensions
  • Building psychological safety and a sense of belonging in the team
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Entrepreneurship and innovation

We will support you in the process of creating innovative products and services. We will enhance your company's creativity and create a culture that encourages you to come up with your own initiatives.

  • Digital leadership
  • Creating a new product or service
  • Building an innovative and entrepreneurial culture of a knowledge-based organization
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Key managerial competencies

We will take care of the development of your managers at every level of management. From those taking their first steps in management to experienced leaders.

  • Comprehensive programs for employees promoted to manager (First Time Manager)
  • Developing future competencies (agile & growth mindset, un-learning, re-learning, resilience, critical & analytical thinking)
  • Increase self-awareness by diagnosing preferred roles and leadership and communication styles
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Sales management

Receive trusted methods to increase sales and develop the competencies of salespeople, tailored to the company's profile, customers and industry.

  • Improve the effectiveness of sales teams (communication, coaching, development)
  • Comprehensive alignment of the sales model with the new strategy (including job-shadowing, customer segmentation, sales funnel management)
  • Selling the future: value cocreation and innovation
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Talent development

We'll show you how to attract employees with great qualifications, identify their potential and develop it to its full potential - to the benefit of the company and themselves.

  • Preparation of successors for key positions in the organization
  • Talent acquisition and management/high potentials
  • Implementation of mentoring programs
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Your needs relate to an area that is not on our list?
Nothing difficult! Make an appointment for a free consultation with an expert. We will recommend a solution for you.

Check out our sample implementations

Our services have been used by companies in the banking, manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors, among others.

Kompania Piwowarska logo

Kompania Piwowarska

As part of a long-term development program for Kompania Piwowarska's Sales Department "Course 2030" conducted internally by the project team of Sales, L&D and HR Managers, we organized a series of 5 workshops for the Key Account Managers team. The workshops focused on strengthening:

  • Leadership competencies (leadership, decision-making, mindfulness in the organization, future challenges in sales) - a key area for the KAM group
  • competence in the area of negotiation

The purpose of the workshop was to prepare KAM teams for new and pending business challenges for which standard approaches and existing solutions may not fit. The workshop was part of a multi-year project that also included other development and activities.

AstraZeneca logo

Astra Zeneca

From 2018 to 2020, we implemented an international project (in the North American, Asian and European regions) for more than 100 Global Leaders. The project included:

  • Individual diagnosis (360-degree assessment with individual feedback interviews) Based on the AstraZeneca competency model.
  • A knowledge platform containing e-learning modules designed for the project.
  • Development workshops based on the results of individual diagnosis.
Continental logo


In 2020-2021, we conducted an international project for Continental EMEA managers. The project included development workshops for representatives from various countries of Continental EMEA. The international launch of the project was broadcast in many European countries.

Alior Bank logo

Alior Bank

Comprehensive development academies for three groups of participants aimed at development in the area of leadership and strategic management. The scope of support included methods of analyzing and interpreting financial results, as well as their role in the company's strategy; demonstration of different communication and leadership, as well as ways to manage them and adapt to changing conditions; Implementation of knowledge in the field of subordinate management: motivation, recruitment and monitoring of effectiveness of delegated tasks.

Santander logo


Comprehensive development program, the content of which sessions covered such areas, Such as: building employee commitment, leveraging diversity in the organization, creating an organizational culture, and creating a vision for the future. The main areas of work was to improve the leadership and strategic management skills of the bank's staff of the bank's managers and preparing them for the company's current and future challenges.

Rovese logo


We supported Rovese's management in developing a strategic plan. We prepared and conducted a series of strategic workshops for specific geographic markets and product categories (scenario analysis, competitive profile analysis, assessment of strategic potential, strategic options, definition of value proposition, strategic objectives).

Górażdże logo


Project in two editions carried out for partners and distributors of Górażdże Cement. The aim of the project was to develop management competence among partners, to make the way of of communication, exchange of knowledge and networking within one industry, changing the way of thinking about the implemented business and common goals with Górażdże Cement.

What sets ICAN Institute's closed-door training courses apart

We have what the competition doesn't! See what gives us strength in the executive education market, and you - a guarantee of successful training.

50 experts from around the world

50 experts from around the world

We work with a carefully selected group of 50 Polish and global experts. These are individuals with extensive business knowledge and practical experience gained in international companies.

Knowledge from MIT: the best university in the world

Knowledge from MIT: the best university in the world

We have materials, research results and inspiration from the world's top centers of education such as MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Business School.

Care of the substantive coordinator

Care of the substantive coordinator

Knowledge Management and Delivery teams will take care of tailoring the content to your needs and communicating with the training group. You don't worry about delivering materials or equipping the room. We will do it for you!

E-learning platform

E-learning platform

We have our own e-learning platform with more than 40 training modules. The platform will speed up the learning process, and your employees can acquire and consolidate knowledge between classes.

Professional recording studio

Professional recording studio

With our own studio, we will deliver online training, webinars and speeches for you. This is a great solution if your company has several branches or you work in a remote model. Distance is not an obstacle to development!

We update training on a regular basis

We update training on a regular basis

Through a calibration process and professional diagnostics, we will create customized training according to your company's goals, needs and budget. If your needs change, we will modify the program accordingly.

In-house research unit

In-house research unit

We regularly conduct industry surveys. Their results feed our programs with the latest data from various markets. This is reliable first-hand information. Thanks to them, we know what is happening in your industry.

Constantly growing base of case studies

Constantly growing base of case studies

We run open programs all the time, which are a source of case studies and insights from various industries. We know directly from top management what difficulties companies are facing.

Benefits of closed-door training for the whole company

See what your company, its employees and HR department will achieve.

As HR director

You will offer the company the solution it needs. You will show that you know the needs of the business and have ideas on how to develop it. By doing so:

  • You will strengthen your position as a strategic advisor to the board.
  • You precisely plan the budget for employee development and do not burn through it.
  • You will retain valuable employees through a rewarding development path.
  • You can easily evaluate the training - you have insight into the into the effectiveness of the entire project and its components.

What your company will achieve

You'll increase your company's competitiveness by continuously developing the skills of your employees. In addition:

  • You will reduce costs - instead of spending your budget on several training courses and suppliers, you have everything in one place.
  • You will gain certainty of return on investment in employee development
  • You will take care of employer branding: the image of a modern and development-oriented employer
  • You will receive recommendations for next steps in the development of your organization from experts and advisors.
  • You will discover the sources of problems in the company and eliminate them.

What your employees will gain

Your employees will gain the necessary competencies to deal with challenges at work. With the training:

  • They will feel that you support them and provide them with real opportunities for development.
  • They will receive tools that are ready to use and increase efficiency.
  • They will exchange experiences with experts, verify their know-how.
  • They will obtain a certificate recognized in the market.

In what form will we achieve your goal?

We will tailor the form of the program to the needs and preferences of the participants so, to maximize learning outcomes.

Long-term forms

Comprehensive, often multi-year programs that support the organization in achieving results by developing the next generation of leaders. The program is tailored to the organization's challenges and the skills and competencies identified as key for participants.

Programs to support leaders of companies at a turning point, such as a merger, restructuring, digitalization, or entry into a new market. We provide the knowledge and tools necessary to effect change at the level of the organization's strategy and culture.

Dedicated programs to support the leadership development of company partner representatives: distributors, franchisees, consultants. They can be in the form of academies or a series of individual events organized under the needs of the industry or company.

We integrate work with a coach into the entire development program of management or senior managers. This allows participants to increase their motivation, develop the ability for self-reflection, and discover their goals and achieve them with the help of a coach.

Short-term forms

Pojedyncze lub cykliczne sesje szkoleniowe w tematyce dobranej do potrzeb firmy, prowadzone przez ekspertów ICAN Institute w formie interaktywnej i dostarczające praktycznych narzędzi wdrożeniowych.

We perform individual, group and organizational diagnostics in the areas of leadership effectiveness and organizational culture assessment, among others. We use our own tools and those of partners, including Human Synergistics and Neurocolor.

Topical lectures aimed at a wide audience within the company. We conduct webinars in our own professional recording studio and tailor them to your company's needs. Gain knowledge in a convenient way, without leaving your company or home.

Meetings or speeches introducing the latest leadership ideas, led by charismatic speakers with passion. We inspire and motivate participants. Each speech is unique and conveys a powerful dose of positive energy.

Want to know more? Download the free brochure

See in which areas we will support your company and with which tools. Also check out what it looks like to conduct a closed project.

Download the brochure

Why leaders choose ICAN

Read statements from recognized managers and find out, how we have influenced the development of their careers and organizations.

Lotte Wedel

Maciej Herman

Managing Director

ICAN Institute's team supported us in carrying out our organizational culture transformation. Today we cooperate more effectively with each other and are not afraid of change. We are also much more responsive to customer needs. For me personally, ICAN helped to develop my managerial skills. Among other things, thanks to it I climbed the career ladder, eventually becoming the company's president. Now I am the one who shares my knowledge and practical experience during leadership training.

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

Zuzanna Piasecka

Director HR Department

ICAN Institute conducted an organizational culture survey project for us. During the project, ICAN Institute also provided BGK with the functioning of a knowledge portal, bringing together information useful during the cultural transformation. All activities were directed at implementing a new communication strategy in the institution. The project was carried out professionally with the highest industry standards.

Pratt & Whitney Kalisz Sp. z o.o.

Jacek Kwiecinski

Human Resources Director, Board Member

Over 16 years, we have benefited from a number of programs - closed programs, prepared specifically for our company's needs, and open ones (e.g. First-Time Manager™, Management™, Strategic Leadership Academy™). Thanks to access to the latest global knowledge and contacts with experts representing different points of view, our managers have gained valuable knowledge in innovation management and managing in an ever-changing reality. This has allowed us to build an agile and flexible company, as well as prepare for future challenges.

Habasit Poland Sp. z o.o.

Grzegorz Rutkowski

General Manager

Participation in Management was a time of self-reflection for me, thanks to which I learned where I was in my professional life and what I could change in it. The class gave me the impetus to make changes - we defined the strategy for the next few years, changed sales structures, processes for achieving goals, focused on lean management, a culture of engagement and employee satisfaction. We made changes faster, without unnecessary mistakes, and last year's decisions are bearing fruit today. We ended the year with a really good financial result.

Unity Group

Grzegorz Kuczynski


The Strategic Leadership Academy™ showed us which areas of strategic management are our strengths and which need to be developed. E.g., the concept of ambidextrous organization helped us to deploy investments for sustaining innovations (in areas that are traditional for us, such as building e-commerce solutions, integrating systems or digitizing processes) and to start investments that have breakthrough potential (e.g., the machine learning start-up UPSAILY). Once the various solutions are implemented, the entire company benefits from the program.


Michal Olczak


Management™ far exceeds the standards familiar to me from my master's and doctoral studies. After each class, my team and I implemented the solutions we learned. I gained a new strategic perspective. We introduced a more measured and agile approach to management, using the OKR method, cashflow analysis, EBITDA and sustainable marketing, among others. We have optimized priority projects and ways to finance them. I constantly return to the class materials to inspire the team to expand their knowledge.

Aplitt sp. z o.o

Marek Litzbarski

Vice President

Each of the 10 sessions of the Strategic Leadership Academy™ program carried valuable and useful content, and the meetings addressed our needs and pain points. Immediately after the training, we adopted at Aplitt the multi-stakeholder platforms learned in the sessions, the lean startup method, and the innovation culture, all of which are producing noticeable results. It is important that entire Boards of Directors participate in this training. The knowledge gained together definitely strengthens understanding and facilitates decision-making related to building a company's growth path.


Marek Sanocki

Vice President

I have been working with ICAN Institute for many years and have participated in several editions of annual programs. Each time it was a strong support in the process of management and personal development. During the ICAN Neuroleadership Academy™ I learned new management techniques and ways to solve problems, achieve goals, communicate or deal with myself as a leader: my emotions, mechanisms of action and thinking. Certainly, this knowledge will translate into my personal development, as well as that of the whole team.

Start working with us in 3 easy steps

We will do everything for you - from developing the training topics, to the selection of experts, tools and the form of classes. You don't have to worry about a thing!

Free diagnostic meeting

Tell us about the company's challenges and goals. Based on these, our consultant will diagnose the organization's development needs and design a plan for cooperation. The result of this stage is the appointment of a meeting with key decision makers of the company.

Development of training

We will draw up a detailed plan for the development of your company, taking into account the anomalies observed and the suggestions of decision-makers. We will develop the formula of classes, experts, content coverage and preliminary schedule.

Implementation and support

We will not only give you tips on what to do, but also guide you through the change process itself. We will help you put the recommended solutions into practice, providing the necessary know-how to your employees.

Let's talk about developing your business

Sign up for a free business consultation.

Magdalena Witek

Magdalena Witek

Director of Sales Structure, ICAN Institute
For 25 years, we have continuously shared best practices in management and sales. One thing remains constant - the right training selection starts with an open conversation. Let's talk about your needs and I'll help point you in the right direction.

Fill out the form,
and we will contact you!

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Frequently asked questions

Closed training allows you to adjust the content and form of classes to the needs of the organization and its employees, as well as the situation in the industry. Closed project is a great solution in a situation where ready-made training courses available on the market do not meet expectations, are too general or do not address the issues you are interested in. Closed training gives you flexibility and control over the subject matter of the classes - as a customer you indicate the areas in which you want to develop your employees.

The trainees work on real case studies, which can be directly implemented in the organization after the training. Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, the group improves their competencies and practices them in practice, which translates into their higher efficiency at work. In addition, in the case of closed training, there is no industry dispersion of participants, which appears in open training. This allows participants to focus as much as possible on their own and their company's challenges.

We use modern teaching and consulting practices, taking care not only of the highest quality, but also of the wide range of solutions offered. We adhere to the principle of evidence-based - all the methods, techniques and tools we impart to trainees are scientifically validated.

What sets us apart is our approach to learning. We use the proprietary ICAN Future Learning method, which provides the knowledge and implementation tools to develop the skills necessary for the new business reality. We are guided by values such as lifelong learning, agility, practice orientation, personalized learning and social learning. We change participants' habits for the better and help them deepen their self-awareness through diagnostics.

Yes, both the training materials and the program name can be personalized and mutually agreed upon with the client. This increases the commitment of the participants to participate in the program.

Yes, we keep up to date with market trends. Calibration of each training workshop, which is part of a longer development academy, takes place prior to its implementation with the participation of the trainer leading the workshop.

We recommend a stationary formula. In long programs, part of the workshops can be conducted online. We recommend this form especially for individual coaching, which can be part of a development program.

Yes, we have our own ICAN Business Adivsor™ e-learning platform. The platform includes training modules on management and leadership, business and finance, communication, personal effectiveness and strategy, among others. Completion of the modules can be measured - you can see each participant's progress, which modules they completed, etc.

Yes, if the client wishes. We can schedule a test before the training and then arrange the same test after the training, which measures the participants' progress and confirms the acquisition of knowledge.

Yes, the prestigious ICAN Institute certification, which is recognized in the market.