Personal leadership development program for C-level leaders

7 two-day sessions

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Build a strong leadership position in your business environment

Only a few managers manage to climb to the top of the organization and maintain that position. So what distinguishes the most effective leaders? At the highest levels of management, managers meet people who are very similar to themselves in terms of experience, education and career path. Then the hard managerial competencies they have developed over the years can no longer give them an edge. For success at this stage of a career, soft competencies are crucial and can provide a unique leadership advantage. These competencies will help you develop the Personal Leadership Academy™ program!

What soft skills lead to a successful leader?

Studies by leadership authorities, such as Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, show that leaders at the top of organizations should develop personal leadership competencies, or capabilities:


Building authority and influence


Self-presentation and negotiation


Seize and hold power


Conscious creation of a personal brand


Managing your own energy, emotions and stress


Ability to combine professional and personal success


The Personal Leadership Academy™ will allow you to look at yourself as a leader and develop all of these skills, and in doing so, build a strong position in your business environment. This is a program where we will work with you on you!

Benefits of soft skills training

Discover how your personal development will translate into efficiency and better results for the entire organization.

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Benefits for the manager

Participation in the program will increase your personal effectiveness and develop key competencies, including negotiation, personal branding, and exercising power in an ethical manner.

  • You will become a charismatic leader who inspires action and leads effectively in the midst of market uncertainty
  • You will develop a strong personal brand and master the art of self-presentation in both online and in-person spaces.
  • You will build authority and a network of relationships and increase your influence in the organization, which will allow you to convince others of your ideas.
  • You will learn, combine the challenges of personal and professional life to be a happy, fulfilled person.
  • You will meet interesting leaders from different industries. You will compare your experiences and challenges with them, and then be inspired by their methods.
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Benefits for the company

Investing in your own competence will allow you to effectively lead your company, navigate among market difficulties and build alliances within the company.

  • Improve communication at all levels of the organization to avoid misunderstandings and resulting errors or project delays.
  • Better conflict management: the leader's negotiating skills will allow to reach an agreement faster and work out favorable solutions.
  • Understanding the power dynamics and relationships within a company will allow you to effectively and ethically manage the business to increase its value.
  • Improving the company's image, which attracts talent. Leaders are the face of the company, and people want to be managed by great bosses.
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Benefits for the team

During the program, you will develop your emotional and social intelligence, so you will build lasting relationships in the company and a motivating environment for cooperation.

  • Increased efficiency, motivation and employee satisfaction, which has a positive impact on company performance.
  • Employees are loyal to leaders who are authentic, committed and promote company values.
  • Greater trust in the leader, which translates into better team relations and openness to valuable discussion of projects and initiatives.

Who is the ICAN Personal Leadership Academy™ training for?

During the program, you will hone your skills with an elite group of CEOs, board members and directors.

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For those at the top of the organization, looking to further invest in their development


For leaders who want to increase their own and their teams' effectiveness


For top managers who know that increasing their competence translates into better performance for the entire company


For people who want to know how they are perceived in their business environment

Stories of leaders who have succeeded with ICAN

Read what participants have achieved by attending the ICAN Personal Leadership Academy™ and what they value the training for.




Business Head

When managing a large team, it is important to effectively motivate people and show them that what we are doing makes sense. Personal Leadership Academy™ helps tremendously in this task. Each session changes your perspective, allowing you to take 3 steps forward in the most important areas of management. The program helped not only me, but also my team, to whom I tried to transfer as much of the knowledge gained during the training as possible.

Amplus Sp. z o.o.



Executive Vice President, Import Director

Today's world is changing at an exponential rate, so as leaders and as an organization we need to be ready for it. The program is designed to meet the challenges of today and the changing business environment. It shows what a leader of today should be, and what a leader of tomorrow should be. It is a program for those who want to continue to grow.

Check Point Software Technologies Poland



Business Development Manager

In my work, it is extremely important to look for elements that will help me stand out from the competition and gain new customers. Participation in the program allowed me to gain comfort in establishing these relationships. It drew attention to my strengths and weaknesses, and allowed me to understand what I can do better. I gained knowledge about how to better negotiate and create a personal brand, position myself in the industry or make better decisions, among other things. Each session was a chance for me to "recharge" my head with new ideas.

ProCardia Medical




What I value most about the ICAN Institute and the Personal Leadership Academy™ program is its unique philosophy of approaching business and leadership challenges. Attending the training sessions allows you to realize how to grow your business in a volatile environment, to step outside the realm of your own industry, and to learn from experiences and knowledge based on examples from around the world. This expands your horizons in an incredible way!

KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.



Chief Executive Officer of the Branch of the Mine and Steel Rescue Unit.

The program brought answers to all my questions about being a leader. The Personal Leadership Academy™ sessions are distinguished first and foremost by the high level of instruction provided by world-class trainers who deliver the latest sound business knowledge. PLA empowers leaders to be leaders. I heartily recommend participating in the program!

TAURON Customer Service



Vice President of CUW HR and Support

To be an authentic leader is to constantly improve - and not only yourself, but also your team. It's acquiring new information and skills and passing them on to your colleagues. Each session brought me many new ideas, which I immediately implemented in my daily work, sharing them with my team. Each participant will find something that is new and surprising to them in this program

Personal leadership training program for leaders

See what you will learn and what competencies you will gain.

Introductory webinar

Leadership in an uncertain and turbulent world. New challenges and essential competencies

The training begins with an online meeting, introducing the actual sessions. During it, you will learn what leadership is on an individual and social level, and how leadership differs from management. You will learn about the new Future-Fit Leadership model, which responds to the challenges of the current business environment. You will also learn how the phenomenon of so-called digital disruption affects the effectiveness of organizations, teams and individuals.


The inner strength of a leader. The dynamics of developing strengths and overcoming limitations

You will learn about the relationship between the development of the individual leader and the development of the organization, as well as how to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You will also learn about common pitfalls and mistakes in a leader's attitude and how to avoid them. We will discuss how you can use your unique qualities as the basis for an authentic individual leadership style and influence others. Through this session, you will define the barriers that limit your leadership development and effectiveness, and then break them down through exercises and the "Authenticity of a Leader in Practice" workshop.


A leader in a network of relationships. Building emotional and social intelligence

A leader never acts alone. He or she is in a network of relationships and dependencies, e.g. team, colleagues, stakeholders. Therefore, before you start building relationships, you need to know yourself. You will use the Life Styles Inventory™ diagnostic tool and discuss your score with an expert. We'll explore the impact of beliefs, mindsets and interpreting events on personal effectiveness and leader effectiveness. We'll also look at the role of empathy in business - when it's worth listening to, and when it's better to "turn it off." You will learn at what stages of relationship formation and communication disruptions occur and how to prevent them.


Leadership agility. Power, influence, ethics - how to combine them

Power is sometimes a taboo subject in companies, so in this session we will discuss this issue in a safe atmosphere. You'll learn how to exercise power in an ethical, smart way. You will learn methods for building influence, maintaining power and creating a network of relationships that support your position in the organization (alliances and followers). You will also examine what characterizes influential people and how to develop the qualities that determine success. You will also learn where the common mistakes of leaders lie and what behaviors can destroy the value of a company when power corrupts the leader.


Building a strong personal brand as a tool of reputation and persuasion. Use the tools of reputation and persuasion

Why should a leader build his personal brand? How is a leader's brand different from a product brand, and how can it become a company's strategic car? You'll learn this in the session, and you'll also learn how to select a communication strategy and social media presence to suit your persona and goals. You'll learn how to choose the right media and monitor your reach. You will create a personal stylebook and an effective profile on LinkedIn. In a multimedia workshop, you will prepare a video. You will learn the secrets of vlogging and writing interesting, expert blogs.


Leader self-presentation. How to perform in real and virtual environments

In this session, you will develop the ability to present in-person and virtually during various speeches. You will overcome public speaking anxiety by discovering the sources of fear and reliable strategies to counteract it. You will learn universal principles of presenting and how to avoid common communication mistakes. You will learn how to deal with difficult listeners and use non-verbal influence techniques to increase your persuasive power. You will participate in a multimedia workshop with presentation work and expert feedback.


Leader Negotiator. How to achieve complex goals under difficult circumstances?

You will learn how the qualities of a leader that lead to success can limit him in the context of negotiation. You will learn about the specifics of negotiating "at the top" and the concept of three-dimensional negotiation to achieve goals and agreement in complex situations. With this session, you will discover typical mistakes managers make in negotiations that you can avoid at your next business meeting. You will participate in a workshop where you will practice your negotiation skills in difficult conversations. You will learn how to choose the right negotiation strategy for the situation and the interlocutor.


Managing the challenges of life. Personal life, professional life, stress and energy

You will discover the 4 main dimensions of human functioning according to Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, which will show you the way to a more effective way of working and life satisfaction. This will help you avoid job burnout, spark your creativity and achieve higher productivity. You will find out what influences high levels of energy and engagement, and what to do to maintain this state for as long as possible. You will learn how stress differs from a challenge and how to reduce stress tension. During the workshop you will create your own action map and individual plan for effective self-management.

Download the brochure and learn about the training program, and check out the 5 dimensions of effective leadership and what a leader has in common... with a circus artist.

Download the brochure
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Meet our experts

These are the people - recognized practitioners, researchers and leaders - who will work with you during our training on personal leadership.

portrait Dr. Witold Jankowski

Dr. Witold Jankowski
President of ICAN Institute

portrait by Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA

Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA
Vice President, ICAN Institute

portrait Dr. Maria Mycielska

Dr. Maria Mycielska
Expert in the area of diagnosis and management of organizational culture

portrait Jagna Ambroziak

Jagna Ambroziak
Psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer, coach

portrait by Paula Wąsowska, DBA

Paula Wąsowska, DBA
Expert in the areas of strategy, new technologies, persuasion and business communication

portrait Izabela Stachurska

Izabela Stachurska
International consultant and leadership trainer

portrait Dr. Piotr Wisniewski

Dr. Piotr Wisniewski
Recognized consultant, manager and trainer with many years of management experience.

portrait by Dr. Hubert Malinowski

Dr. Hubert Malinowski
Doctor of sociology, social psychologist, trainer, coach and consultant

portrait Marcin Slomski, FCAA

Marcin Slomski, FCAA
Expert and lecturer at ICAN Institute

portrait by Aleksandra Slifirska

Aleksandra Slifirska
Founder of the Institute of Media Communication, whose mission is to educate about communication in business

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Your acquired competence is confirmed by the ICAN Institute certificate

Each participant in ICAN Institute's development program will receive a prestigious certificate. This is a document that is valued in the labor market and is desirable for both recruitment processes and internal succession plans.

Training location

ICAN Personal Leadership Academy™ Training Location

The training takes place in Warsaw at the headquarters of ICAN Institute. It is a convenient, well-connected location right next to the Wilanowska Metro station. As a result, you will have no problem getting there.

Strategy leadership training consists of 7 two-day class sessions (14 days in total), held once a month in Wednesday-Thursday or Friday-Saturday cycles. You will plan in advance to attend the classes or take advantage of the opportunity to make up a given session at another time. Check the training schedule and find out when the next group starts.

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Quality guarantee: zero risk and reimbursement

We know that investing in a comprehensive, year-long program can come with concerns. That's why we are the only ones in Poland to offer you a unique quality guarantee: if after 2 sessions (4 class days) you decide that the training doesn't meet your expectations, you can cancel your participation and receive a full refund.

Yes, we will refund your money 100%. There is no risk associated with participating in the training, only growth opportunities and real results.

Dr. Witold Jankowski

CEO of ICAN Institute

Witold Jankowski - signature

Business club for graduates

After completing the training, you can join the Alumni Club. Our community brings together leaders, managers, CEOs and directors from all over Poland. This is an elite group of people who focus on development, exchange of ideas and mutual support. This is where true friendships, business partnerships and mentoring are formed. See the value of being with us!

Learn more

Want to know even more?

Do you have questions? Get a free consultation with an expert. We will discuss your development needs and help you decide whether to participate in the program.

Magdalena Witek

Magdalena Witek

Director of Sales Structure, ICAN Institute
For 25 years, we have continuously shared best practices in management and sales. One thing remains constant - the right training selection starts with an open conversation. Let's talk about your needs and I'll help point you in the right direction.

Fill out the form,
and we will contact you!

Frequently asked questions

During training, we use a variety of teaching methods according to the best standards of executive education. We focus primarily on practice and group interaction. Participants perform exercises, work in groups, discuss issues and exchange experiences and insights.

Yes, as part of our personal leadership training, each participant receives access to the knowledge portal, which contains additional materials, including multimedia content and articles from our business magazines. Access to the knowledge portal is valid for the duration of the training and for 12 months after its completion - you can then use the materials whenever you want and on any device.

Yes, depending on your individual needs, you can purchase individual training sessions. If you would like to purchase a session of your choice, please contact us through the application form on the website or call the hotline at +22 250 11 40.

As a trainee, you receive a guarantee that allows you to cancel after 2 sessions and receive a 100% refund if at that time you feel the training does not meet your expectations. You can also change to another program that is more suited to your needs.

We issue an invoice on the first day of training. This allows the company to quickly include the training in its costs. Payment by installments is possible. There is also the possibility of obtaining funding from the National Training Fund, for which we help prepare applications.