Hey, cool that you stopped by!

The event has already taken place.
The next edition of the MIT Sloan Management Review Poland Congress is coming on May 21, 2025!
This time in a hybrid formula!
Renaissance Airport Hotel, 24 Komitet Obrony Robotników Street, Warsaw

VI Congress of MIT Sloan Management Review Poland

The future of business is being created today

MARCH 21-22, 2024
The 6th edition of the congress is behind us
check what events we are organizing in the near future

We are launching a new edition of the largest business and technology event!

Take part in two days full of inspiring speeches by experts from around the world. Learn about trends changing business and answers to important questions. Is AI ethical? Does the Metaverse have economic potential in Poland? How will technology change the way people and companies are managed?

Join the MIT Congress and gain the latest knowledge from renowned researchers and business practitioners. Each edition gathers more than a thousand participants. We will be pleased to welcome you to this group!

Two inspiring thematic tracks

Check out what topics will be covered by the invited experts. It will be very interesting and strongly practical!

Day 1 | March 21

Innovation in the age of AI

  • Ethics in AI and artificial intelligence in the Metaverse
  • Technology and business trends
  • Innovative business development
  • Process automation
  • Cloud solutions changing business
  • Digital security
  • Development of green technologies
  • Generative artificial intelligence and the future of management
  • AI in market research: opportunities and limitations
Day 2 | March 22

The future of work

  • ESG as a tool for competitive advantage
  • Transformation of the work environment
  • Mental health of employees
  • Employee benefits
  • Culture of innovation
  • Reskilling, employee development and competencies of the future
  • Diversity of generations and new challenges
  • Neuroatypes in the workplace

What do you gain by attending the congress?

You can take part in the event for free or choose a paid package with additional benefits. Check out what we have prepared.


Solutions ready for implementation

You will gain the tools to lead effectively in the digital world. It's a simple path to better results!


Materials after the congress

You will receive access to the event content, speaking reports and partner materials valid for 6 months.


Questions for speakers

You will participate in Q&A sessions with experts. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


Practical e-book

You will gain the e-book "Open Strategy", full of inspiration and tips on how to create effective strategies.


Annual subscription to the magazine

You will receive a subscription to "MIT Sloan Management Review Poland"(SILVER package or GOLD package).


Recognizable certificate

You will receive a certificate confirming your participation in the event and gaining knowledge Don't forget to brag about it, such as on social media!

Who will speak at the conference?

Global and Polish experts, including the authors of "MIT Sloan Management Review Poland" - the world's No. 1 university magazine - will share their experiences.


Krzysztof Pajak
Research Scientist at eTutor


Jacob Morgan
Expert on leadership and the future of work


Łukasz Potrzebka
Head of Solutions at IT-Dev Sp. z o.o.


Oguz Acar
Professor in Marketing & Innovation at King's Business School, King's College London.


Michael Olenick
Institute Executive Fellow, INSEAD


Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA
Vice president and managing director of ICAN Institute


Dr. Piotr Wisniewski
Recognized consultant, manager and trainer with many years of management experience.


Gabriele Rosani
Harvard Business Review Italia. Director of Content and Research at the Management Lab, a think-tank by Capgemini.


Jacek Śmigiel
Head of tutors at asperIT


Iwo Zmyślony
Researcher and designer of innovation culture


Mikolaj Demko
Chief Innovation Officer, CodersLAB


Nina Jachna
Senior Solution Engineer CEE, Salesforce


Wojciech Gaura
Senior Solution Engineer, Salesforce


Kamila Pruk-Piotrowska
capital deployment director at Prologis


Magdalena Gwiaździńska
Modern Work Solution Sales Manager, Microsoft


Katarzyna Jasinska
Managing Diretor at Bene


Marek Kich
Marek Kich, CEO at Satisfly and host at Art of E-Commerce


Robert Chojnacki
Technical Director at Pratt & Whitney Kalisz Sp. z o.o.


Matthew Malinowski
SEO director at Marketing Factory.


Radoslaw Tokarski
Enterprise Accounts Manager Central and Eastern Europe, Jabra


Marcin Dudek
COO at DTW Logistics Group


Artur Powałka
Client Acquisition Director, Clouds on Mars


Reggie Townsend
Vice President of the Data Ethics Practice, SAS


09:30 - 09:40
Welcome to the participants and start of the first day of the 6th MIT Sloan Management Review Poland Congress
portrait Joanna Koprowska
Joanna Koprowska
ICAN Institute
09:45 - 10.15
AI - current dilemmas, concerns and opportunities
portrait by Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA
Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA
ICAN Institute
10:15 - 10:40
Advanced analytics with AI as a key tool for digital transformation
portrait Artur Powałka
Artur Powałka
Clouds on Mars
10.40 - 11.05
Salesforce as a catalyst for innovation in the age of AI: Practical application of AI in customer personalization
portrait by Wojciech Gaur
Wojciech Gaura
portrait by Nina Jachna
Nina Jachna
11:05 - 11.30
Efficiency in Innovation
portrait Robert Chojnacki
Robert Chojnacki
Pratt & Whitney Kalisz Sp. z o.o.
11:30 - 11:55
Trained AI algorithms in manufacturing plants - development and implementation
portrait Piotr Wisniewski
Piotr Wisniewski
ICAN Institute
11:55 - 12:55
Expert debate: Logistics in e-commerce
The presenter:
portrait Paweł Kubisiak
Pawel Kubisiak
Editor-in-Chief of "MIT Sloan Management Review Poland"
portrait by Kamila Pruk-Piotrkowska
Kamila Pruk-Piotrkowska
portrait Marcin Dudek
Marcin Dudek
COO at DTW Logistics Group
portrait by Marek Kich
Marek Kich
The Art of E-Commerce
12:55 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:50
Generative AI and marketing interface
portrait by Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA
Oguz Acar
King's Business School, King's College London
13:50 - 14:25
AI-aided Strategic Ideation
portrait Michael Olenick
Michael Olenick
14:25 - 15:00
GenAI & the Future of Management
portrait of Gabriele Rosani
Gabriele Rosani
Harvard Business Review Italia
15:00 - 15:35
Trustworthy AI: Before the first line of code
portrait of Reggie Townsend
Reggie Townsend
15:35 - 16.00
Use of AI tools in SEO and Contention
portrait Matthew Malinowski
Matthew Malinowski
Marketing Factory
16:00 - 16:10
Conclusion of Day 1 of the 6th Congress of the MIT Sloan Management Review Poland
portrait Joanna Koprowska
Joanna Koprowska
ICAN Institute
10:00 - 10:10
Welcome to the participants and start of the second day of the MIT Sloan Managemnet Review Poland Congress
portrait Joanna Koprowska
Joanna Koprowska
ICAN Institute
10:10 - 10:45
How to invest in the workforce of the future today
portrait by Iwo Zmyślony
Iwo Zmyślony
ICAN Institute
10:45 - 11:10
AI tools in education and personal development
portrait Krzysztof Pajak
Krzysztof Pajak
11.10 - 11.45
Neurodiversity in the workplace - benefits and challenges
portrait Jacek Śmigiel
Jacek Smigiel
11:45 - 12:45
Expert debate: 21st century offices - a new look at the workplace
The presenter:
portrait Joanna Koprowska
Joanna Koprowska
ICAN Institute
portrait Lukasz Potrzebka
Luke Potrzebka
IT-Dev Sp. z o.o.
portrait Katarzyna Jasinska
Katarzyna Jasinska
portrait Magdalena Gwiaździńska
Magdalena Gwiaździńska
Microsoft Poland
portrait Radoslaw Tokarski
Radoslaw Tokarski
12:45 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:35
"Reskilling as an element of human resources development strategy case study of Alior Bank project
portrait Maciej Demko
Maciej Demko
13:35 - 14:10
Leading with Vulnerability
portrait by Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan
14:10 - 14:20
Conclusion of the 2nd day of the 6th Congress of the MIT Sloan Management Review Poland
portrait Joanna Koprowska
Joanna Koprowska
ICAN Institute

Who is the MIT Congress for?

Exchange experiences and contacts among top leaders

Business owners, presidents, vice presidents, board members

Directors, managers and executives

Professionals, business consultants and HR departments

MIT Congress in numbers

Every year we attract hundreds of people from the business world looking for a valuable place to exchange experiences and contacts. Join us!

5 editions

6 770 participants

145 speakers

109 partners

4,8 /5 congress evaluation

Partners of the event



Content partner

Establish a partnership with us

Are you an expert or want to become an event partner and get involved?
Get in touch with us:

portrait Ewa Szczesik
Ewa Szczesik
Publishing Director

+48 664 933 232
portrait Karolina Starko
Karolina Starko
Event Project Manager

+48 784 507 967