Hey, cool that you stopped by!

The event has already taken place, but we are preparing a new edition.
Check out what we have prepared!

3-day workshop for women leaders

Women's strategic leadership


Palace Hotel Mała Wieś Mała Wieś near Warsaw
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Contact us and get a special offer:
Ewa Szczesik-Franczak, tel: +48 664 933 232!
Jolanta Kwasniewska

Jolanta Kwasniewska

First Lady of the Republic of Poland from 1995 to 2005
Magdalena Kieferling

Magdalena Kieferling

Strategist and trainer in the area of management and communication
Andrzej Jacaszek

Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA

Vice president and managing director of ICAN Institute

Build inner strength!
Women's leadership workshop

The sixth edition of a unique workshop for women who want to discover themselves as leaders is coming! The 3-day workshop will build your inner strength, as well as give you the needed courage and determination to take on new challenges. The combination of inspiring business lessons and networking is an ideal opportunity to build self-awareness. The unusual venue of the Palace Hotel Mała Wieś will help provide a much-awaited respite from the daily rush. Embark with us on an inspiring journey of knowledge that will enable you to achieve professional success and develop yourself as a leader.

Check out why you shouldn't miss the workshop:

  • You will learn techniques for effective presentations that will help you gain more attention from your audience and raise the level of your speeches.
  • You will learn tips from experienced experts on how to shape your career path and how to be more effective in your leadership role.
  • You will gain a new idea of management, and understand how stress mechanisms work.
  • You will meet interesting, inspiring women and expand your network with new, valuable contacts.

What will you learn at the workshop? Key topics:

What is the foundation of your leadership and power and the basis of your self-esteem.

What beliefs inhibit your effectiveness as a leader and how self-awareness affects leadership effectiveness.

How to properly make a presentation that will increase the interest of the audience?

How do you negotiate success by building relationships with management and leaders within the company?

How to effectively build an argument and develop appropriate language during a conversation?

How do you properly define your own expectations within your team and company?

Why take part in the workshop?

Inspiring friendships for the long term

You will meet women similar to you. Wanting to boldly reach for more and caring about their development. The atmosphere of the workshop fosters a sense of sisterhood in business and overcoming difficulties together. You will exchange experiences and make new contacts - perhaps not just business ones, but authentic friendships.

3 days full of knowledge and inspiration

You will get tips on how to be an effective leader, negotiate effectively, take care of your self-development, and how to act under stress from invited experts: Jolanta Kwasniewska, Magdalena Kieferling and Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA. It will be very practical and inspiring!

Jolanta Kwasniewska Magdalena Kieferling Andrzej Jacaszek

Time just for you

The workshop is the perfect time to take a breather from the hustle and bustle, daily running and responsibilities. In a beautiful, unique space you will focus on yourself and recharge your batteries with positive energy, which will allow you to return to work full of strength and motivation to achieve success.

See coverage of previous workshops!

Don't miss the opportunity to join a dedicated event for women!

Where to meet

The workshop will be held at the Mała Wieś Palace Hotel, a venue that has been awarded the elite MP Power Awards® as the most unique property. Surrounded by picturesque gardens and historic buildings, the Mała Wieś Palace creates a harmonious space ideal for finding peace and developing yourself. Join a workshop where practical business lessons will enable you to improve your professional competencies.

Palace Hotel Mała Wieś
Mała Wieś near Warsaw

Meet our experts

Jolanta Kwasniewska

Jolanta Kwasniewska

First Lady of the Republic of Poland

First Lady of the Republic of Poland in the years (1995-2005). Founder and President of the "Communication Without Barriers" Foundation. Lawyer. Member of international organizations and honorary patron of European and global initiatives.

Magdalena Kieferling

Magdalena Kieferling

Strategist and trainer in the area of management and communication

A respected trainer of management, business communication and customer relations. Expert and lecturer at the prestigious managerial training institute ICAN Institute and one of Europe's top business schools WSB Academy. Author of the bestseller on managerial communication "The Sandbox Effect - how to boss so the robots don't take your job" (published by Onepress), which already became an Empik bestseller in the management category after its release. TED motivational speaker.

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Andrzej Jacaszek

Andrzej Jacaszek, DBA

Vice President, ICAN Institute

He has spent most of his 20-plus year career at high levels of management in the sales and marketing divisions. Among other things, he specializes in sales force recruitment and the relationship between sales and marketing. From 2004 to 2005, he served as Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Poland. In 2016, he was elected vice president of Employers of Poland for the second time, where he is responsible for the areas of training and science and business. He is an experienced lecturer and speaker.