Discover how to make masterful sales calls

Conference brochure "Neuropersuasion and the Art of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Value Growth" with special guest Tim Riesterer.


Download the brochure and profit:

  • The answer to the question of where the source of as much as 70-80% of the company's revenue is hidden.
  • Insight into what mistake as many as 58% of B2B companies are making in communicating with customers.
  • Survey results about sales, including what percentage of salespeople are considered trustworthy.
  • Tips on what you can gain from applying brain science to your customer conversations.
  • Conference program with topics of speeches and detailed points, what you will learn from experts.
  • Biography of Tim Riesterer, special guest of the conference and world expert - worth getting to know better.

Who are the Elite Sales Program conferences for?

  • Presidents and board members
  • Directors and sales managers
  • Owners of SMEs from various industries

Download the brochure and discuss your development path with our advisor.

Download the brochure and discuss your development path with our advisor.