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SESSION 2 | JUNE 23, 2021

Sales management - a new formula for new times

How are people, process and customer relationship management changing?

Most sales models are an accumulation of years of reactive decisions made by managers pursuing different goals. Senior management needs to understand how radically this process needs to change.



Session description

New sales models and methods require a change in management methods. It is impossible to manage the new sales force in the old way. Both the new organization of sales teams combining different sales methods, the growing role of technology and changes in customer behavior must be taken into account by managers. The new sales forces and processes also require changes in managers' actions. Their role even becomes crucial: the new, more complex sales model is based on active management. A manager cannot simply set goals and require their implementation. He must be an active architect and conductor of the system that connects people and technology.

Through this session you will learn:

How do changes in customer behavior, i.e. non-linear and unstable buying processes, lead to changes in sales processes ?
How should hybrid sales teams that actively use new technologies and media to communicate internally and externally with customers look and function?
What are the new models for deployment and skill development of salespeople?
How is the model of coaching and managing salespeople changing?
What new models are emerging for compensating and motivating salespeople?
What is the function of the head and sales manager in transformation and adaptation processes?
What are the new roles of sales managers in the process of continuous strategic management and innovation?



He is a senior lecturer at the Entrepreneurial Management Unit, a research unit within Harvard Business School, where he teaches sales and marketing. He also directs a program in blending strategy and sales, and is the presenter of the Owner-President Management program for CEOs and board members. For 12 years he was managing partner at The Center for Executive Development, an award-winning organization in the United States and Europe for its high level of collaboration with companies. He has advised companies in a wide range of industries, worked with PE and VC investors, and served as a board member in both corporations and start-ups and the Education for Employment Foundation. He teaches at Harvard Business School. He is the author of articles, published in the Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal, among others, and books - his latest publication, How to Sell in a World That Never Stops Changing, is out in 2021.



One of the most experienced strategic consultants in Europe. Initiator of groundbreaking meetings for Polish business with world management authorities in the areas of leadership and organizational culture formation, such as Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Prof. Dave Ulrich and Prof. Heike Bruch.

An ardent supporter and promoter of the evidence-based management concept. He is an experienced lecturer: in 1992-2000 he taught in MBA programs at business schools in Canada, and today he runs development programs for top managers in Poland (Management™, Strategic Leadership Academy™, Personal Leadership Academy™). He has worked with many companies as a consultant and trainer (including Goodyear Poland, SAP, Lyreco, Lotos, Hestia, Ciech SA, TPSA, Eurozet, GlaxoSmithKline, Kolporter, PSB Group, Węglokoks).



Over the past 25 years, he has played a key role in developing a number of groundbreaking technology products for startups and the world's largest organizations, including social media platforms, robotic vision and automation systems, artificial intelligence solutions, enterprise video platforms and more.

In recent years, Bartek has applied his leadership and technical skills to the automotive industry, developing software solutions and advising vehicle manufacturers and dealers on innovation, technology and change management. Frequently invited to speak at conferences and corporate events, Bartek has established himself as an expert in digital transformation. He was previously head of innovation at Hyundai Ireland, and currently holds the position of CTO at Quik.auto, a Boston-based US automotive market leader in customer service automation. He is also the founder and CTO of Carmen, an algorithmic commerce and communication AI platform for the automotive industry.

Privately, Bartek lives in the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland with his wife and 3 daughters. He enjoys hiking with his dogs, sailing, mountain biking and snowboarding.



At Blue Media since 2019, where he is responsible for relations with banks and actively participates in the development of services. Previously, he worked at the National Clearing House S.A. for 10 years, including as Director of the Mobile Products and Digital Identity Department and Director of the Strategy and Projects Department. He participated in numerous ZBP working teams, including Polish API. From 2000 to 2009, he was a consultant and manager in Deloitte's strategic consulting department. Previously (1999-2000) he worked at Bank Pekao S.A. and from 1996-2000 at the Warsaw School of Economics in the Department of Economic Informatics. Involved in work aimed at developing cashless trading and digital identity.

Conference program

09:30 - 10:25
10:30 - 10:35
Welcoming the participants and starting the conference
10:35 - 11:20
Witold Jankowski
Sales transformation in a post-pandemic world: implications for sales management
  • Major forces affecting changes in sales before and after Covid-19
  • B2B vs. B2C - the convergence of purchasing trends and processes
  • New models of sales organization: technology, division of labor, specialization
  • What do the new sales models mean for sales managers and company boards?
  • Sales chief as leader-architect and change agent
  • From change leader to manager of new processes
11:10 - 11:35
Q&A session
11:35 - 11:40
11:40 - 12:35
Frank Cespedes
In the world of virtual contact - how to communicate and achieve communication goals?
  • How to attract talent to the sales team and develop them?
  • How to increase ROI from training, courses and other forms of employee development?
  • Multichannel and omnichannel - how to manage them and reach customers?
  • What does the pandemic mean and not mean for business development?
  • What are the elements of a consistent sales model that responds to the new market situation?
  • 5 areas in the company that determine your sales success
  • How to manage internal processes to respond flexibly to changes?
  • Pricing policy vs. sales model - how to find the golden mean?
12:35 - 12:40
STUDIO-invitation to a break
12:40 - 13:40
13:40 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:45
Bartek Czerwiński
Managing a remote sales team, or the anatomy of a great team
  • How to avoid the trap of micromanagement?
  • How to motivate effectively despite the distance?
  • How to build an operational framework for a remote team?
  • How does self-discipline eliminate the need for hierarchy?
  • Examples of digital tools
14:45 - 14:55
QA session
14:55 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:25
Krzysztof Pycia
Cost optimization vs. investment in growth. How to wisely take advantage of the changes brought on by the pandemic
  • The experience that Blue Media has accumulated over the past year that you can apply to your business
  • Moving sales to online as most important change
  • What development opportunities have emerged recently?
  • Best practices and examples of how pandemic times are not just cost-cutting, but also a valuable development opportunity
15:25 - 15:35
QA session
15:35 - 15:40
15:40 - 16:10
Frank Cespedes
QA session with Frank Cespedes
16:10 - 16:15
Conclusion of the conference

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